Around 100 peer-reviewed publications & 7 500 citations, h-index = 40. (source : Web of Science, last access in October2023)
Detailed list in Researcher ID, Google Scholar, ResearchGATE, ORCID
Some work pieces at the heart of my research over the last 10 years
Choler, P. (2023).: Above-treeline ecosystems facing drought: lessons from the 2022 European summer heat wave, Biogeosciences, 20, 4259-4272.
->the year 2022 bears witness to a shift toward an increasing importance of moisture availability for regulating plant growth at high elevation
Choler, P., Bayle, A., Carlson, B.Z., Randin, C., Filippa, G. & Cremonese, E. (2021) The tempo of greening in the European Alps: Spatial variations on a common theme. Global Change Biology, 27, 5614-5628.
-> the European Alps turn green ! this is a widespread phenomenon that has been observed for at least the last 20 years
Choler, P. (2018) Winter soil temperature dependence of alpine plant distribution: Implications for anticipating vegetation changes under a warming climate. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 30, 6-15.
-> the soil microclimate experienced by alpine plants during winter is pivotal to understand their fine-scale spatial distributionÂ
Choler, P. (2015) Growth response of temperate mountain grasslands to inter-annual variations in snow cover duration. Biogeosciences, 12, 3885-3897.
-> snow cover duration is a major driver of vegetation activity in temperate mountain grasslands